Claus from Danmark
Autumn 2008 I faced extensive dental treatment of the teeth in my upper jaw. My bridges had fallen out or loosened, crowns had fallen off and several teeth were in dire need of root treatments...
Mathilde fran Danmark
Siden jeg var ganske lille, har jeg lidt af en forfærdelig tandlægeskræk. Jeg var bange for lugten, lydene, kitlerne, det ukendte og med tiden blev det kun værre. Dette resulterede i at jeg forsømte mine tandlægebesøg i mange år, hvilket mine tænder efterhånden bar større og større præg af. At jeg er ”født” med en fejl på emaljen, gjorde ikke situationen bedre.
Vagn fran Danmark
Drop dyre tandlægeregninger! 15 plastfyldninger, 5 kroner og et implantat med krone var hvad opgaven lød på. Jeg fik min egen tandlæge til at give en pris på opgaven og syntes det var rigtig mange penge at skulle betale, selvom hun gav mig en rabat på 5.000 kr. Så jeg begyndte at undersøge på nettet, om det kunne gøres billigere i udlandet. Det havde jeg hørt, at det skulle være.
Inger and Kurt from Danmark
We were planning for a comprehensive treatment of Inger's teeth, so that she would not only be able to chew food, but also look good. We believe that proper condition of teeth is an important personal value and therefore we were prepared to spend a significant amount on this, considering that our capabilities as pensioners with only small savings are limited. Therefore right from the start we were determined to carry out the treatment at lowest possible cost, and we decided, without having any previous knowledge of the matter, to use the services of a Polish dentist.
Lis and Arne from Denmark
I got hurt with 2 teeth's, and my danish dentist advised me to get a bridge, the consequence was that I should have 3 fresh teeth wrinkled down. I was not glad about this situation, and therefore I searched in the internet after a dentist in Poland, with whom some of my friends have had very good threatment. I got in contact with Dr. Tom Cegielski. Me and my husband have visited him 3 times in Poland during 1½ year. I got 2 implants and my husband got one crown and toothneekfillings. We will never, with a danish dentist, have got so good and a professionel treatment, all treatments in Poland was without any kind of pain and with big care for us as clients also the day`s after surgery. This was also a very big plus, that it was cheaper, even with the travel expenses....
Inge from Denmark
I heard about the clinic in Poland and in Denmark, from some friends, and it sounded very interesting. About that time I actually thought about having a bigger tooth treatment in Poland, but was uncertain about the distance. My first visit were in Denmark (Valby), where I was having an xamination and I got a treatment-plan and a price offer.
Michael from Denmark
I learned about CASTLE HILL DENTISTRY on the internet, as I was looking for a dentist that could help me not only with crown and facade works, but also to find a dentist that could describe my dental problems, because no Danish dentist had been able to help me to find out why my teeth needed crown and facade work.
Torben from Denmark
A golf journey to Szczecin would almost not happen because of a strong toothache. My first contact with Dentistry at Podzamcze and Tomasz Cegielski took place in May 2004, at 10 o’clock at night. An X-ray photograph of my sore tooth was taken, I got analgesia and further the tooth was extracted, of which I was satisfied. The clinic was equipped with the most modern equipment of the highest quality. I can also assess competences of a stomatologist, who performed the procedure only in a superlative way.
Steffie from Denmark
Enclose my experince with Aestheticcenter, concerning 5 pieces of implants, crowns plus operativ removalof a root.
I have several times been to the dentist in Poland trough Aestheticcenter, who have danish consultation in Valby, where the Polish Dentist Thomasz Cegielski also is represented.
Anita fran Danmark
Jeg vil her give Stomatologia Na Podzamczu ved Tomasz Cegielski min anbefaling..... jeg havde aggresiv partentose og de sidste tæeder i overmunden var på vej ud, jeg var ret bange og nervøs da jeg mødte op, men blev hurtigt talt til ro. Tomasz anbefalede at jeg fik implantater og fuldbro i både over- og undermund, gav mig en tidsplan for behandlingen og et prisoverslag. jeg overvejede det og besluttede at få lavet implantater og fuldbroer, og nu sidder jeg her efter 10 mdr. med mine "nye tænder" og er rigtig, rigtig glad for beslutningen. Jeg kan igen spise helt normalt, uden at være nervøs for mine tænder,og smile uden at være flov over dem ,det er en kæmpe lettelse i hverdagen. Jeg vil gerne sige 1000 tak til klinikken og medarbejdere for altid god behandlig, jeg tror faktisk at min tandlægeskræk er blevet kurret gemmen de 18 mdr. jeg kom i klinikken. At få lavet nye tænder hos Tomasz i polen er nok en af de bedste beslutninger jeg har truffet i mit liv.
Svend from Danmark
I have had a dentist in Szczecin since February 2006. But when I in 2007 under a dentist visit meet a colleague in Szczecin, who told me about his dentist; Stomatologia Na Podzamczu - Tomasz Cegielski, who have consultations and control visit in Valby - Copenhagen, it was obvious to change clinic, so that the visits to Szczecin could be minimised. A fine change. I have on 14 month received a sinus-rebuilding, 5 implants with crowns and one single crown. Everything fixed on 4 trips to Szczecin at 5 days each. In the period I have been in Valby 6 times for control, which I saved for going to Szczecin. Everything have been fine and painless so this I can warmly recommend