Steffie from Denmark
Enclose my experince with Aestheticcenter, concerning 5 pieces of implants, crowns plus operativ removalof a root.
I have several times been to the dentist in Poland trough Aestheticcenter, who have danish consultation in Valby, where the Polish Dentist Thomasz Cegielski also is represented.
Here you get a pan of your mouth, which shows what it`s needed to be done. After that a priceoffer on danish, and if you wish, they can reserve your stay in Poland (without payment).
It have been an unbelievably positive experince to be with the dentist in Poland, where dentist Thomasz Cegielski by an operation have put in 5 implants, made a sinuslift plus 5 crowns.
When you have got the implants in, you have to wait 4-6 month before you can have the crowns (teeth's) fixed. I have all the time taken care about my teeths, and are a really chicken (strong chicken) when its concerning so big operations. It must be mentioned that the anaesthesia are for free, and that I also got a calming pill uhhhhhhh it helped me. Furthermore you are sent to a hospital in Poland, where they are making a CT-scanning of your mouth. Here they can see everything, and you receive a CD with you back to the doctor. Even a tooths cleaning are 100 times better in Poland.
At no time I have had pain, even I have got the painkiller pill's (never used). Everything are very professional and are clinically clean, (Denmark have a lot to learn). Also the price for the work are really cheap, when you look at price`s here in Denmark. If you are a member of the Insurance Denmark there also will be some money to fetch there.
Thank you for a really excellent and professional treatment
Possible call: email: okulda@hotmail.com or telephone: +45 38740220
Best Regards
Steffie Emilie Grøndahl