Svend from Danmark
I have had a dentist in Szczecin since February 2006. But when I in 2007 under a dentist visit meet a colleague in Szczecin, who told me about his dentist; Stomatologia Na Podzamczu - Tomasz Cegielski, who have consultations and control visit in Valby - Copenhagen, it was obvious to change clinic, so that the visits to Szczecin could be minimised. A fine change. I have on 14 month received a sinus-rebuilding, 5 implants with crowns and one single crown. Everything fixed on 4 trips to Szczecin at 5 days each. In the period I have been in Valby 6 times for control, which I saved for going to Szczecin. Everything have been fine and painless so this I can warmly recommend.