Lis and Arne from Denmark
I got hurt with 2 teeth's, and my danish dentist advised me to get a bridge, the consequence was that I should have 3 fresh teeth wrinkled down. I was not glad about this situation, and therefore I searched in the internet after a dentist in Poland, with whom some of my friends have had very good threatment. I got in contact with Dr. Tom Cegielski. Me and my husband have visited him 3 times in Poland during 1½ year. I got 2 implants and my husband got one crown and toothneekfillings. We will never, with a danish dentist, have got so good and a professionel treatment, all treatments in Poland was without any kind of pain and with big care for us as clients also the day`s after surgery. This was also a very big plus, that it was cheaper, even with the travel expenses.