Tomasz Cegielski
Tomasz Cegielski (Dental Surgeon, Implantologist, specialist in General Dentistry, Manager) - Graduated from the Faculty of Dentistry, Pomeranian Medical Academy in 1995. Obtained the 1st grade specialisation in General Dentistry in 2001. Member of the Polish Implant Dentistry Association (OSIS) and the Polish Implantological Association (PSI). Attendant of numerous specialist courses and practical training. Interests: implantology, advanced prosthetic restoration, tissue regeneration techniques, aesthetic dentistry.
In the year 2007 he became an "Expert in Oral Implantology" by DGOI.
- EXPERT in Oral Implantology
- Deutsche Gesellschaft für Orale Implantologie
- International Congress of Oral Implantologists
- Implant Prosthodontic Section
- The International Congres of Oral Implantologist 2006-2007
- DGOI Membership Certificate
- Polish Implantological Assosiation
- IV Implantological Congress Certificate
- Curriculum Implantologiae-certificate
- Xive-implants prosthetics
- Articulation-Occlusion
- Simplant Diagnostic
- Augmentation Procedure
- Guided Bone Regeneration Certificate
- CRA Update
- Evident Succes-Red Esthetic-White Esthetic
- Nobel Biocare Surgery
- Braenemark-Implantoprosthetics
- Nobel Biocare-Surgery Advanced
- Art Oral-II congress
- Art Oral-III congress
- Implants -step by step -Quintessenz 2004
- Implants-Idea-Art-Practice 2004
- Prosthetics-Quintessenz 2005
- Implants-Idea-Art-Practice 2003
- Implants -Quintessenz 2005
- Implants in practice-Quintessenz 2006
- Implants -Quintessenz 2006
- Implants-optimum aesthetics
- Implants-Quintessenz 2003
- Implantoprosthetics-Certificate
- Artykulacja Natrodent
- Immediate implantation Certificate
- Augmentation tecnique
- Esthetic Dentistry Kongres
- Implantology-today and tomorrow
- Polish Dental Esthetic Academy
- Q-implant certificate
- Pulp Fiction 9
- Quintessenz -Michael Sonick Certificate
- Quintessenz -Maurice Salama Certificate
- Quintessenz -Immediate loading course
- Implantological risk
- Polish Implant Dentistry Association
- Esthetic Dentistry Symposium
- Modern Implantoprosthetics
- Kongres-Bronisławów 2005
- Artex-Gesichtsbogen Certificate
- Ceramic veneers
- European Dental Implantology
- Guided bone regeneration course
- One Visit Endodonties/Post&Core
- Fullceramic crown
- Esthetic Ceramic crown
- Prosthetics
- II Warsaw Implantological Meeting
- Praxis Live Certificate
- Modern Endodontics
- Pulp fiction 3
- Dentistry of XXI Century
- Inlays-Onlays
- Dental Dialog
- Artykulnatro